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Connecting Women

ConnectingcouvJ’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution de l’ouvrage intitulé Connecting Women. Women, Gender and ICT in Europe in the Nineteeth and Twentieth Century dirigé par Valérie Schafer et Benjamin G. Thierry dans lequel est publié mon travail sur les blogs “féminins”.

Cette parution fait suite au colloque international FGTIC qui s’est tenu en mai 2014 à Paris à l’initiative de l’axe genre du LabEx EHNE.


Connecting Gender, Women and ICT in Europe : A Long-Term Perspective, Valérie Schafer et Benjamin G. Thierry

Part I, Networks and Empowerment. Introductory Remarks, Delphine Diaz, Régis Schlagdenhauffen

Telegraphy and the “New Woman” in Late-Nineteenth-Century Europe, Simone M. Muller

Airing the Differences: An Approach to the Role of Women in the Spanish Free Radio Movement (1976–2014), José Emilio Pérez Martinez

From Marie-Claire Magazine’s Authoritative Pedagogy to the Hellocoton Blog Platform’s Knowledge Sharing : Between Gender Construction and Gender Appropriation, Alexie Geers

Part II, Gendered Representations. Introductory Remarks, Delphine Diaz, Régis Schlagdenhauffen

The Sylviac Affair (1904–1910) or Joan of Arc Versus the Demoiselle du Téléphone, Dominique Pinsolle

The Representational Intertwinement of Gender, Age and Uses of Information and Communication Technology : A Comparison Between German and French Preteen Magazines, Marion Dalibert, Simona De Iulio

Part III, ICT and Professionalization. Introductory Remarks, Delphine Diaz, Régis Schlagdenhauffen

From Computing Girls to Data Processors: Women Assistants in the Rothamsted Statistics Department, Giuditta Parolini

The Gendering of the Computing Field in Finland, France and the United Kingdom Between 1960 and 1990, Chantal Morley, Martina Mc Donnell

Breaking the “Glass Slipper”: What Diversity Interventions Can Learn from the Historical Evolution of Occupational Identity in ICT and Commercial Aviation, Karen Lee Ashcraft, Catherine Ashcraft

Gender-Technology Relations in the Various Ages of Information Societies, Delphine Gardey

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Alexie Geers (12 novembre 2015). Connecting Women. L'appareil des apparences. Consulté le 15 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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